Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winter Blahs

I haven't blogged in about a week, so I figured that I'd better get back on my bandwaggon so I don't lose momentum.  I weighed in this week at 185.5 lbs - a total loss of 3.5 lbs from the previous weigh-in.  The weather here has been really dreary and cold for the past week. 

We had ice last week and some freezing rain this week.  This crappy weather makes it very difficult to get out and walk / run.  Last Sunday was actually beautiful, so we DID make it out for a 6.37 mile walk / run.  My average time was a 16 min mile, which is greatly improved from my very first training day at 20 min / mile.  Another victory!!!! :)

The rainy weather is really feeding my depression right now.  I am finding it hard to have the gusto to get out there & "work".  I cheated on my diet twice already this week.  Yesterday, our office ate mexican for lunch.  I did try to order a more healthy selection - the steak taco al carbon (w/ meat, small tortilla, & pico - sans SC) and unsweet tea.  I guess I ruined it though w/ the chips and salsa that came before the meal :(  I have been craving Chipotle for the past few weeks, so I stopped there on my way home from a doctor's appointment today.  I managed to skip out on the soda and tortilla, but had sour cream on my burrito bowl.  I feel so disappointed in myself!  Maybe Brent will watch Zoe tonight, so I can go do some cardio & weights at the gym to purge all this toxic crap from my body.  I will not & cannot fail!!!  There must be some weight loss by weigh-in next week!

On a brighter note, my size 16 jeans & pants are falling off me now!  Someone even mentioned several days ago that my pants looked really big :) :) :)  I tried wearing a pair of size 14 slacks, but I can't get them zipped over my abdominal incision scar.  They are big in the hips and legs though.  I have even been wearing a few of my old L shirts.  It's so awesome to be seeing results in my clothes, but it is a little frustrating that I don't have a whole lot of transitional clothes to fit in.  Oh well - not going to buy much, because I want to save my money for the smaller sizes. 

Finally, I spoke to my cousin, Sonya, this week.  We have decided to make the Cooper River Bridge 10K an annual race that we participate in.  Even my dad says that he's going to start training and run it with us next year.  Fun, Fun!!!!  It will be so awesome to do this as a family.  My friend Melissa has also committed to going on the trip in April (at ~ 90%).  Time is getting closer, and I am getting excited!!!! 

Going to scrapbook for a bit before going to the gym.  Till next time - M